Donate to the Liberty Nautical Education Center/Sea Dart II, Inc.
Donate to the Liberty Nautical Education Center/Sea Dart II, Inc.
Sea Dart II, Incorporated, is a nonprofit corporation located in New Jersey.
Sea Dart II, Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which can make donations to us tax deductible. We will provide receipts which can be used with your tax returns to claim a deduction. Consult your tax professional if you have questions about how donating to a nonprofit organization may affect your personal tax situation.
Our EIN is 22-2941792.
You can mail in a donation by making a check to: Sea Dart II Inc., and mail to:
Liberty Nautical Education Center
PMB #264
651 North Stiles Street
Linden, NJ 07036
Or use your phone to access this QR code:
Or Donate via Paypal directly using this link:
Or Donate via Paypal directly using this link: