Noel Guzman

Retired Medical Epidemiologist

Noel Is a native New Yorker and a part time New Jersian. Noel attained the rank of Eagle Scout with 76 merit badges in 1965 with troop 201 in Manhattan, he is a NESA life member as well as a NESA Legacy fellow. He is also an OA Vigil member and an OA legacy Fellow as well as a BSA Alumni Fellow. He holds numerous Regional, Area and Council awards. Noel has been a Cub Master, Scout Master of merit, an Advisor as well as a Sea Scout Skipper of merit. He has served as a Woodbadge Course Director, Seabadge Course director and currently as a 23-year Sea Scout SEAL Course Director. He has attained the Triple Crown Award by taking Scouts to Philmont , Northern Tier and Sea Base. He also Served as a National Jamboree Scout Master. Noel also serves as a 3 Council merit badge counselor.

As a board member to the William I. Koch- International Sea Scout Cup he served as the Chief Medical Officer and registrar to the very prestigious international sailing event for Sea Scouts world over.

Noel has served on the National Sea Scout Committee and National Aquatics Committee. He was also the Northeast Region Sea Scout Training Chair and served as the Northeast Region Sea Scout Commodore for eight years. He has staffed National Camping School and holds an Aquatics, Shooting Sports and Trek Directorship. Noel is now involved with two Sea Scout ships 441-NY and 1908 in Union City and has adopted St. Joseph and Michael Parish where in the fall of 2019 he held the first in the National Bilingual Seabadge course for the Hispanic leaders in the community and on that Saturday eve before dinner attend mass with the entire members of the course.

Noel Is a multi-advanced CPR/First Aid disciplined Instructor for the American Red Cross and for National Rifle Association multi-firearms instructor as well as USA Archery Instructor and hold classes for Scouts to advance their skills and rank Advancement.

Noel is also a longtime member of the USPS-Americas Boating Club with advanced grades and provides exceptional advanced navigation class and boat handling skills. As a Vessel Safety examiner provides guidance to skippers on USCG vessel safety and operations.

Noel is a retired CDC Medical Epidemiologist by profession and had spent 10yrs in field research in the Caribbean basin. His work involved Dengue Fever, HIV-Aids and hemorrhagic Fever. Noel has also served with the Epidemic Intelligence Service (CDC) in various countries in Central and South America.

Noel is graduate of Hunter College and Medical and Doctoral Studies from Tulane University. Noel’s pastime is sailing and a snowbird between NY and Florida with pit stops in his beloved Hoboken.